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Fundraising campaign

ASSITEJ International is collecting funds to support ASSITEJ Ukraine and their activities in Lviv, Odessa, and Kyiv.

ASSITEJ International has a mission to promote theatre for children and young people everywhere and to unify practitioners in this field. When a Member is under duress and needs support from the global community, many fellow members want to help. As a community, we do what we can, knowing that conflict everywhere impacts children and young people and destroys families.

If you donate, you will be supporting:

  • Children and young people of Ukraine to experience performing arts, assisting healing for emotional and psychological damage caused by war;
  • Parents, relatives, and carers of children and young people towards recovery from the effects of war, through the arts.
  • Professionals of the performing arts to maintain their livelihoods.

You will provide finances for:

  • Fees for actors, stage directors, drama educators, videographers, scenographers, technicians, psychologists and coordinators
  • Materials (including music equipment, paper, fabric, props, video cameras, and live streaming equipment.)
  • Means for ASSITEJ Ukraine to continue to coordinate, promote and develop this project;

ASSITEJ International will collect the donations and transfer the full amount to ASSITEJ Ukraine (Excl. fees to

This video which exemplifies the work that members of ASSITEJ Ukraine have been doing in recent months:

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