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35th Session from 17 to 27 December 2022

Deadline for applications 30 July 2022

The 35th session of the Neapolis International Festival of Kid’s Theatre Nabeul – Tunisia, organized by Association Neapolis International Festival, in collaboration with the Regional Commissioner of Culture in Nabeul under the Ministry of cultural affairs, form 20 to 27 December 2020.

This event aims to promote theater for children and young audiences with regard to its vital role in the socializing process.

It offers the opportunity for Tunisian and foreign participating companies to launch and / or strengthen the cultural exchange through the scenic arts and through representations, meetings, symposia, round tables and workshops as well as training.

The Festival also tries to create new networks of co-production and broadcast worldwide.

The date chosen for the Festival organization coincides with the period of school holidays in Tunisia.

Adress : BP 6 Bureau de Poste Nabeul 8000 TUNISIA

Fax: +(216) 72230701

Entry requirements

  1. Participation is open to theater companies offering shows for children or
    young people with an average duration of 50 minutes with a maximum of (08)
  2. The constitution of the registration form includes:
  • The participation sheet (attached)
  • The technical details of the show
  • An overview of company activities.
  • Links for the (recording and photos of the show)
    Applications must reach the Festival management and
    as soon as possible and before, 15 June 2022 for the first deadline and 30 July 2022 for the last dead.
  1. The Organizing Committee will operate a selection among the new Tunisian
    and foreign productions offered, the content of which reinforces cultural exchange,
    brotherhood, respect and peace among peoples.
  2. The selected troops receive official invitations and unsuccessful applications
    will be restored to those who solicit them before the end on July (first selection)
    and the end of August (second selection).
  3. The fees of the international transportation is the responsibility of the
    participating troops also the travel insurance of the group or individual members of
    the same troop.
    Living expenses (internal transport, catering and accommodation) are the
    responsibility of the Festival for a maximum period of seven (07) nights in a
    double room and for maximum of Ten (10) participants and other participants or
    nights will be at the charge of their troops.
  4. The shows will be presented in Nabeul and somewhere else in Tunisia.
  5. The troupe provides three (03) shows for free, the maximum number of
    shows is (05) five, the group will get a symbolic allowance (100$).
  6. Medals and certificates will be awarded to participating companies.
  7. Invited troops will be called to attend the conferences and round tables.
  8. The Festival Management reserves the right to record the shows, symposia
    and debates for noncommercial purposes.
  9. Participation in the Festival implies full acceptance of these rules, a copy duly
    signed by the company will be returned to the festival with the participation form.

Amina Dachraoui

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