For programmers, festival -and theatre directors, artists and agents
Brabants Internationaal Kinderfestival- BRIK
Brabant International Children’s Festival
Dates: 8 – 12 of June 2022 – Breda, the Netherlands
The BRIK team presents the 6th edition of Brabants Internationaal Kinderfestival. This edition we open a call for agents, impresario’s, curators and programmers in the performing arts field for children to apply for our delegates program. The festival is happy to announce registration for delegates to visit the festival from the 8h until the 12th of June. 2022 Our delegates program is focussing on the period from the 7th of June (arrival) until the 11th of June 2022 (departure).
The biannual BRIK Festival (formerly known as the International Stiltefestival) is initiated by dance company de Stilte in 2011. It originated from the company’s desire to share the performances encountered on its international tours with their audience in Breda. Offering children and adults the opportunity to travel the world of non-verbal theatre in just five days, without having to leave
Breda. The festival books poetic performances for children aged zero to twelve, their parents, grandparents, teachers and guardians. Performances that stimulate children’s imagination and allow space for personal interpretation. Performances without words. Because de Stilte knows all too well that, to convey a story, a body can do just fine on its own. Most of the performances are presented at the Chassé Theatre and the Stilte Theatre but the festival also shows (freely accessible) performances in open air: at the town square and in the park. BRIK is curated by Mohamed Elghawy from Cairo, Egypt since 2017. This 6th edition hosts 11 international companies and 5 Dutch companies, like: Arcosm (France), de Stilte (The Netherlands), Het Houten Huis (The Netherlands), Anima Theatre (France), Bamboozle (UK), Helios Theater (Germany), La Baracca (Italy), La Migration (France), La Toupine (France).

The festival offers:
- Guidance during the festival;
- Dinners with colleagues from the performing arts industry;
- A reception with Dutch companies;
- Accommodation (hotel)
- Pick up at central station Breda;
- Tickets to performances, talks and meetings.
We can offer these facilities to 15 – 20 delegates. We can invite one person per organisation. The application closes the 30th of April 2022. The selection will be announced the10th of May 2022.
BRIK prefers sustainable travellers (if you are in an action radius of 1.000 kilometres from Breda)
