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ASSITEJ has one member in Indonesia which is Papermoon Puppet Theatre who shares this invitation with the international community.


The second year of the pandemic hits Indonesia in a very bad situation these days.

The numbers of those who got infected and passed away have hit the ceilings.

And as an independent puppet theatre company, we just try our best to keep our heads floating above the water these days.

So.. Here we would like to invite all friends and colleagues, together, to celebrate a small hope, to bring everyones’ energy to keep the engine warm and to bring positive vibes in this situation, through puppetry.

Your support means a lot to us…

An invitation to view 1200°

1200° is a cinematic non-verbal puppetry and pottery performance with ASMR sounds.

Papermoon Puppet Theatre had a new experimentation on medium, and in 1200°, all of the puppets they made were made out of ceramic.

In this piece, they embraced the sound from the materials, from surroundings. The piece would like to give the audience time to pause and to appreciate every little sound around through ASMR sounds they used.

1200° is a story about pursuing a dream, how a creation tries to make itself… itself.

The performance will be followed by artist talk, Live stage tour, and virtual studio visit to Papermoon Puppet Theatre in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


The performance is on 24 & 25 July 2021. The ticket price is 10 USD.

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