HIGH FEST International Performing Arts Festival presents the “How can we lock-out theater during lock-down time?” two days online conference, which will take place in the period of December 11-12 in the framework of its 18-th edition. We are expecting moderators and speakers, such as high-end theatre critics, directors, festival programmers and so on, who will share with active and passive participants, their minds, concerns and experience in a whole, about the contemporary theatre approaches and trends in the present world situation. The slogan of HIGH FEST 2020 is: To Be! That’s not a question! Moderators
Kathrin Deventer – Secretary General of European Festival Association (Belgium)
Marina Davydova – Theater critic, director, playwright, editor-in-chief of “Theatre” magazine, Art Director of the festival “NET” (Russia)
Key Speakers:
Anders Beyer – Director of Bergen festival (Norway)
Willie White – Director of Dublin Theatre Festival (Ireland)
Pippo del Bono – Director of Compagnia Pippo Delbono (Italy)
Jo Stromgren – Art Director of JO STRØMGREN KOMPANI (JSK) (Norway)
Levan Khetaguri – Theatre critic, UNESCO ITI board member (Georgia)
Pedro de Freitas – Director of FarOFFa festival (Brazil)
Haris Pasovic – Director of East-West Festival Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) When: Dec 11-12, 2020 11:00 CEST
Topic: How can we lock-out theater during lock-down time?
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