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The unique circumstances of spring 2020 have activated the members, 91 in total, to undertake many initiatives: a Survey on Covid-19 impact and protocols affecting theatre for early years, a common artistic project during the lockdown, a public letter about the needs and rights of small children for arts, and last, but not least, our first brochure, collecting the latest activities from 67 of our members.

From the early spring of 2020 the Small size network members around the world have been mostly restricted to their homes, trying to find ways to keep contact with their audiences. Theatres, cultural venues, even parks have been closed; while the societies try to work virtually, it has not been easy to reach the small children and families with their cultural needs. The artists have been cut suddenly and almost totally from their income; in some countries there have been some support for theatres and individual artists, but in so many countries the artists have been suffering and the audiences, our little ones, have been denied their rights for arts, culture and even play. With this digital brochure for 2020 we declare: we are here, we exist and we have a great variety of proposals to share with our young audiences.

Have a look at the Small size brochure on the web:

There you find also the link to the results of the survey while you can see the Small size bird story on our Small size channel in YouTube. 

Katariina Metsälampi

Chair of the Board of Directors of Small size Network

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