“As a response to the current situation we all find ourselves in, this week Tangled Feet launched our Mindfulness Project At Home. The company’s ethos and core values become ever more important during these times and we feel that, as a company, we should encourage a culture of nurture, support and creative flexibility to work around the challenges that we face together as a society.“
The project will deliver 10 online classes for primary school aged children (4-11) to engage with as part of their home learning. We have also released mini activities that you can find on our social platforms. We are hoping these classes can be a tool to help parents as they try to juggle the challenges of home schooling, your own work and home life, and as a parent of a 9 and 5 year old I know myself how difficult this is!
The programme is a development of Tangled Feet’s Mindfulness Project, launched in 2019 in schools and colleges across Luton. We work with children at key transition years, who have been identified by their school as finding the move to a new year group particularly difficult or that they are experiencing anxiety or low self-esteem.
Funded by Luton Borough Council’s Art Fund the pilot project ran for 8 months and is now in its second year. Every time we run the project, we evaluate the impact it has had on our participants. The progress we have seen has been truly heartwarming and the results have been extraordinary.
- 83% reported that they now find it easier to make friends
- 67% recorded a decrease in a feeling of anxiety about things and that feeling stopping them from joining in
- 83% reported an improvement in their ability to tell other people how they’re feeling
- 100% felt less anxious and were therefore able to concentrate more fully
“You have showed such attentiveness to group and individuals, working inclusively, although sensitively to the needs of some if they were keen to ‘watch’ initially, rather than joining in. The Safeguarding Officer and Wellbeing TA who watched too fed back that the range of activities were excellent and they picked up some tips too, particularly the language you were using during your story activity. Warmth and encouragement, but freedom to withdraw/retreat if needed – we loved it!”
Fiona Byrne, Deputy Headteacher, Stopsley Primary School, Luton
We hope that The Mindfulness Project At Home will help children to explore and understand any feelings of anxiety that they may be experiencing during these times of Covid 19. Each week, myself and Rachel Rookwood, a specialised children’s yoga and mindfulness teacher and the founder of Adventure Yoga, will lead a session that uses storytelling, mindfulness exercises, yoga practice and drama to encourage children to investigate their creativity and develop strategies for coping with anxious thoughts.
The programme is designed to create time to uncover and express their thoughts and feelings. It provides opportunities for children to take time to understand that all our minds get a bit stuck sometimes and that everyone, children and adults alike, are finding these current times strange. We hope that children will learn techniques to manage stress and will develop their confidence and communication skills.
