CBTIJ/ASSITEJ Brazil, ASSITEJ Cuba, ATINA – ASSITEJ Argentina and Iberoamerican Network of Performing Arts for Young Audiences – April 2020
In the year of CBTIJ/ASSITEJ Brazil’s 25th anniversary, we are pleased to announce this call for the ASSITEJ Regional Workshops that will take place from April 21st to 23rd, 2020, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This project has the partnership of ASSITEJ Cuba, ATINA – ASSITEJ Argentina and the Iberoamerican Network of Performing Arts for Young Audiences, and was chosen in an international call by ASSITEJ.
ASSITEJ Regional Workshops aim to:
* offer equal opportunity, skills and knowledge for Theater for Young Audiences practitioners in regions that struggle to get access to high level professional development in particular aspects of TYA;
* give TYA artists access to high level professional development in their own region;
* be a meeting point for regional networking and exchange;
* support the work of national centers as offering tangible benefits to members
CBTIJ/ASSITEJ Brazil, ASSITEJ Cuba and ATINA – ASSITEJ Argentina invite Iberoamerican artists to apply for the two artistic workshops that will be offered in this project:
* Theatre for Early Years, with Adrian Hernández Arredondo and José Agüero, from Teatro Al Vacío (Mexico-Argentina), members of Vincular – Latin American Network of Scenic Creation for the Early Years and Small Size;
* Playwriting, with Omphile Molusi, South African playwright, member of Write Local. Play Global. (ASSITEJ playwrights’ network)

The Workshops will be held on April 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 2020, each with an 18-hour time load, in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Registration is free and the organization will offer accommodation (lodging in shared rooms), food (three meals a day) and transfer from airport X accomodation X airport, and the participant will be responsible for their own transportation to/from Rio de Janeiro, as well as any extra expenses. Those selected will be offered a letter of support to apply for governamental or private mobility funding programs to cover their international or national travel costs.
Applicants should submit their application by February 16th, 2020, submitting a short resume (up to 500 words, focusing on their activities in the Theater for Young Audiences field) and a letter of intent to:, with the subject: Registration Regional Workshops 2020.
There will be translation from Spanish (Theater for Early Years) and English (Playwriting). The names of those selected will be announced by February 26th, 2020.
It is important to mention that each applicant can enroll in only one of the workshops, as they will happen simultaneously and the number of vacancies is limited to 12 in each workshop.