IIAN (International Inclusive Arts Network) is seeking proactive and committed board members.
IIAN is one of the 5 networks of ASSITEJ.
Our mission is to:
Inspire: Artists to be more ambitious and become a part of the inclusive arts community
Promote: Inclusive arts & international connections
Share: Good practise & provide a data base of companies working inclusively around the globe We ask theatre makers to:
Create: Make bold, innovative art that harnesses the artistic potential of inclusion
Include: Make our theatres, classrooms, stages, accessible to audiences & performers of all abilities
Inform: Make local & global dialogue around the often-taboo subject of disability in art.
IIAN is at a pivotal moment in its development.
In 2018, we have successfully launched our Champions programme, ensuring each member country of ASSITEJ has and individual or organisation promoting inclusion and access.
In 2020, we will launch the official IIAN Membership, cementing IIAN further as an integral element of ASSITEJ, and securing a commitment to inclusion and access globally through all areas of theatre and performance for young audiences.
The IIAN board is expanding.
Roles available on the IIAN board:
- Support the running of the board
- Draft and send board meeting details and documents
- Write and circulate the minutes of the meetings
- Communicate with the ASSITEJ EC (with the IIAN Chair)
- Maintain IIAN governing paperwork (with the IIAN Chair)
- Keeps job descriptions up to date
- Ensure IIAN board members fulfil their duties in an efficient and timely manner.
- Liaise with ASSITEJ Treasurer
- Liaise with IIAN Membership Lead
- Chase lapsed IIAN Membership
- Fundraise for IIAN activity
- Produce Annual Review and Budget for IIAN Board and Membership
- Oversee financial Policies and Procedures
Communications Lead:
- Maintain online platforms with up to date information on IIAN activities, opportunities and connected elements of membership finance.
- Maintain the website.
- Develop the format of newsletters (Mailchimp)
- Write and deliver quarterly newsletters to IIAN membership and ASSITEJ.
- Must be confident with using social media platforms, WordPress and Mailchimp.
- Manage info@iianonline.com email account (with the IIAN Chair)
Champions Project Lead:
- To over-see IIAN Champions programme
- Maintain relationship with and support Champions Team (Rose Bruford College, UK)
- Ensure Champions Team collate global news twice yearly (September and February)
- Provide access to all collated information for Communication Lead & the other board.
- Further develop the Champions Programme
- With Champions Team and Communications Lead, develop and maintain presentation tools.
- Create policy for General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
International Festivals Lead:
- Liaise with planning committees to promote and drive inclusion and access from planning stages for;
- ASSITEJ International Gatherings
- ASSITJE World Congress organisers
- other ASSITEJ festivals and opportunities around the globe
- Promote and drive inclusion and access for all within ASSITEJ
- Ensure IIAN representation on the Performance & Workshop selection panels for International Gatherings and World Congress.
Ordinary Members
- Support all areas of IIAN work as required
- Volunteer for and willing to accept assignments from other members of the board
- An active member in all IIAN planning and evaluation
General Board Information:
IIAN actively welcomes expressions of interest from enthusiastic people regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, faith, cultural identity & social background, or nationality.
- Minimum of 4 meetings per year
- meetings will often be held via Skype or equivalent
- additional meetings as required
- IIAN board elections will be held every 3 years at the ASSITEJ World Congress
- following the membership launch, the first membership election will be 2023
- A minimum of two members must stand down each year (though may re-stand should they choose)
- Individuals may hold a post for maximum of two terms (6 years)
- Individuals can stand for another post during or after two terms
- As an online community, all board members must be comfortable with the use of Google Docs, Skype etc.
- All board members should have experience of working inclusively within TYA
- All board members should demonstrate an ongoing commitment to inclusion and access
- All board roles are voluntary
Process of Application
Please complete the IIAN Application form.
Send the completed application form to iianonline@mail.com by 03rd February 2020. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.