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🌍Kristiansand, NOR at Dansesalen, Kilden (Main Venue)
🗓 Monday 2 September 2019 | 10:00 am – 2:00 pm


IIAn will be discussing our network and its future, and would love your ideas and input. See the schedule here

They are also looking for members to serve on an interim Board, with elections in Japan at Congress 2020 for all roles to run for 3 years:

IIAN Board members, to include the following:

Chair – manages team and is main contact with ASSITEJ                                      (Daryl Beeton is stepping down at SAND Festival, Norway)

Secretary – supports Chair and communicates with group and wider world     (Vicky Ireland is stepping down at MIRAI Festival, Tokyo)

Communications Lead – website, newsletters, social media

Membership Lead – main role to lead on recruiting and membership issues

Treasurer – to work with Board to manage funds

International Festivals Lead – to facilitate and liaise with ASSITEJ festivals to make sure Disability Arts are well represented

Fundraiser – to lead and explore regional and international opportunities

Champions Lead – to liaise with IIAN Disability Champions, to organise and edit news

We welcome your interest. Please get in touch and we look forward to talking to you either in person or online.

Let’s all work together to make sure all children are included within ASSITEJ.

Vicky Ireland, Secretary IIAN /


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