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Call for Performances

The theater group Teatro La Proa, part of the Havana Theater Center, calls for performances for the 2nd Puppeteer Festival of Havana: Figures between
paving stones.

The Festival will take place August 5th -11th 2019 and gathers local groups from Havana as well as national and international groups.

The festival will include performances in various theaters, parks and museums, both inside and outside the historic center of Old Havana.

The festival program also includes workshops in direction, animation and construction of puppets for scholars, theater students, children and their families.

The festival is mainly designed for groups of Havana, but companies from the whole country and the rest of the world can apply to perform.

Groups from other countries must finance their own plane tickets, performance fee, housing and food.

The Festival will send the invitation letters needed for the application of scholarships or any other kind of founding.

The festival will guarantee the promotion of the performances, participation diplomas and a wonderful stay.
Sponsors are National Council of Performing Arts, the Havana Theater Center and the Hermanos Saíz Association (AHS), and supported by the Cultural Management Direction of the Education Ministry (MINED), the Honorary Cathedra Fredy Artiles, from ISA and the Cuban Center of UNIMA, among other institutions.

To apply, fill in the application form.

The Deadline is April 30th, 2019.


The applications must be sent to the email:

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