🌍 Yerevian, ARM
🗓 1 – 10 October 2019
The HIGH FEST International Performing Arts Festival welcomes performing arts companies and artists to present their productions in all genres of performing arts including theatre (drama, comedy, mime, movement, circus, street performances, puppet/marionette, fingers theatre, visual etc.), dance (contemporary, modern ballet, folk, classic etc.), music (opera, classical, musical, contemporary, jazz, folk etc) and other forms of performing arts.
It will be the 17th edition! High Fest is the main festival on the territory of the former USSR Countries (except for Moscow).
How to Apply
If you are interested in participating at the HIGH FEST 2018, please read the information in the full call here below and send the application form and the info pack before March 15th 2019 to the following address:
HIGH FEST International Performing Arts Festival
Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinema
Amiryan 26
Yerevan 0002
Contact High Fest at:
Address: Amiryan 26, Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinema, Yerevan 0002, ArmeniaÂ
Tel/Fax: +374 10 53 62 33
E-mail: info@highfest.am
Web: www.highfest.am Â