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Call for ideas




Call for ideas

The ASSITEJ Working plan 2017-2020 is not only a paper.  It is a complex wish-list, that demands good practice to improve our work and the courage to explore new paths.


To develop our Association and remain relevant, we need to investigate in depth, through past and present, to devise future planning. We can do this by supporting ideas that can have an impact on the association by creating new modes and a proactive attitude, and that can serve the international community of TYA in terms of their practice, and can be used in different cultural and national contexts.


This call is for exciting ideas which support innovative experimental exploration in TYA, and which inspire new directions or open new doors.


For example, these can be systems ideas; operational innovation or model ideas; ways of working either artistically or organisationally. These can be ideas that come from your own best practice and deserve sharing.


ASSITEJ has decided to allocate from the Reserve Funds at the last General Assembly, funds for the support of innovative ideas that can help ASSITEJ to advance strategic points of the Working plan 2017-2020. Co-funding is not a prerequisite.  This is a once only offer, given that ASSITEJ needs to maintain a certain level within the Reserve Funds, and there is no guarantee that additional funding will be available in the future for this purpose.


At the Assembly in Cape Town, there were three distinct areas of improvement that came from the members during Open Space, ideas that were then incorporated into the working plan for the next three years:

  1. Inclusion

Point 3.7.3 in the Working Plan. ASSITEJ will promote and advocate for theatre that is inclusive of and sensitive to people of all abilities (theatre for, by and with).


  1. Child Participation

Point 3.8.5 in the Working Plan. ASSITEJ will explore methods to include children to participate in the life of the association, in artistic practice, celebration and decision-making.


  1. Innovative approaches to Translation or language access.

Point 3.8.2 of the Working Plan. ASSITEJ will explore and experiment with different ways of approaching translation and overcoming language barriers at Artistic Gatherings and Congress.

Who can Apply:

We are calling on you to send in your brilliant ideas around the points above. The offer is to all members of the National Centres, Networks and Individual members and you are free to apply directly to ASSITEJ.


The aim is to collect ideas that can be tested through practice and experimental process, and to find the ideas that can be transformed into action for the association.


There are two ways to participate:

  1. by proposing a good idea to advance one of the three points above
  2. by applying for support to develop or explore innovative ideas or practices.


An applicant can participate for both the categories.


  1. Call for ideas
  • Participants can propose ideas that respond to the challenges of the three points of focus
  • During its term, the EC will analyse all proposals with the aim of transforming the most relevant ideas into good practice.
  • All the ideas presented will be shared during the next 20th Congress in Tokyo as an important contribution to the future and to the work of the next EC.
  • The best proposal will be given a award of 1.000 USD. The award will be adjudicated by the Executive Committee of ASSITEJ.


  1. Support to develop innovative ideas
  • Participants can propose an idea that requires support to develop and achieve results as a start-up for experimentation. One or maximum two will be granted funds.
  • The successful applicant will be required to concretely share the results and the outputs.
  • The applicant will be asked to present an acquittal of the expenses, that can include the wages for the applicant.
  • The total amount of available funds will be 9.000 USD.
  • The grant will be paid in three steps: 
    • 1/3 at beginning of the experimental process
    • 1/3 at the middle, when the applicant presents an interim report on the first  results of the process
    • 1/3 at the end, when the applicant presents the final results of the process.


Timing of the project

  1. Deadline to present the application is extended to: 1 October 2018
  2. Selection for the two categories and contracting with successful applicants: October 31 2018
  3. Period to develop the experimental process (category 2): November 2018 – November 2019.
  4. Period to present the final report: from the end of the process to December 31, 2019.


To apply you must fill out the following form: APPLICATION FORM 

Contact person: Secretary General,





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