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It is time for Latin America!

As my fellow friends, members of the EC new and old, I am still under the spell of the Cradle of Creativity in Cape Town! What a wonderful celebration of diversity and a view of all possibilities that are within our reach as a global organization!

In my presentation speech representing Te Veo Assitej Chile, I stressed the importance for ASSITEJ to expand geographically in order to broaden the playfield – We deeply believe that Latin America can contribute effectively with a fresh cultural vision besides offering a greater diversity.

One example of our actions in that direction – we are launching the first Ibero-American Fair for Performing Arts for Young Audiences, FITA CHILE, which will take place in Santiago de Chile from November 2 to 5th this year. Designed as a showcase and a market place, FITA CHILE is our response to the increasing demand from programmers from all over the world for Latin American productions, as well as the massive interest of local companies and artists from this part of the world to get to know and connect with international partners.

In a world literally building walls trying to isolate part of its population from developing countries and marginalizing all culture that is not according to the western/white standards, it is of utmost importance that children have the chance to experience good examples of Latin American culture. Art of the highest quality coming from our region in our idiom – this is a shot of empathy against intolerance and prejudice.

We are delighted to invite everyone to come to the end of the world and experience great work from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Uruguay!

Salutes from Chile!

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