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The Second edition of "In-Forma" took place in Prato between the 26-27 of September. 

After the great success of the first edition of “In-Forma” – Assitej Italia (where we had the pleasure
to host the former Vice President Vigdis Jacobsdottir in the role of observer from Assitej
International), the members of Assitej Italia has entrusted the Company TPO, in collaboration with
Teatro Metastasio, and Contemporanea Festival 2017, to house the second edition of
“In-Forma” with a project concentrated on four main themes:

● International Relations: artistic and organizational practices in the theatre for youth
● The forms and techniques of digital communication on the web and social networks.
● Sharing as a modus of expanding and disseminating experiences and knowledge among
Assitej-members on open topics.
● L’On/Off stage: workshop with artists able to interact by overcoming language barriers.

The proposal in Prato is surely born from the experience of TPO in the International circuit of Theatre
for Youth and Dance, but mainly concerns widespread practices across borders that can be
interesting and shared by the Italian professionals in this field. 

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