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By Fabio Naggi

On 16 and 17 October 2015, in Torino.

Torino, Kids and Youngsters Casa Teatro, 16 and 17 October 2015. Two intense days, bursting with all the energy developed and matured over two years of work. Two days of cross-fertilization between generations of artists who, starting in November 2013, decided to put their heads together and create a workshop focusing on drama specifically aimed at children and adolescents. A workshop encouraging participants to think – but above all to explore a method on which much of kids’ theatre is based.

A workshop with few rules but centred around three principles: choose a public, get to know a public and – as a result of this relationship – generate original and specific theatre. Three principles which Unoteatro’s artistic directors (Silvano Antonelli, Dino Arru, and Guido Castiglia) have always considered an essential element, the true building blocks of the project, able to launch a robust identity process for Kids Theatre: the D.N.A. of Unoteatro, as in many other Italian theatre companies.

Amid a flurry of official appointments, scheduled stages and an entire series of informal meetings, it is almost impossible to tell the story of D.N.A. – to do so risks nullifying the energy and intensity that were such a feature of the entire project. So many images that remain in one’s head: the first community moment with “theatre calling cards;” the presentation of principles by the three artistic directors in front of an audience of curious youngsters; the acceptance of the game; the first rehearsals.

And then again, the presentation of the first theatre studios, interaction with the Estate Bambini public in Ferrara, and with youngsters participating in the Legàmi project in Cascina, the presentation of the evolution of nine theatre studios in November 2013, bringing it all to a close, on 16 and 17 October 2015, with two vibrant days in Torino.

An intense process of interaction and a burning desire to relaunch, a moment that saw, before an audience composed of youngsters, operators, journalists and politicians, the presentation of three theatrical performances together with the presentation of the DNA Charter, a document generated by this entire movement of dramaturgical exploration and analysis.

For Unoteatro, 16 and 17 October were not just two days accompanying the final stage of the project, but an opportunity for profound reflection, leading to the creation of new avenues of discovery for future projects.

For the complete project and DNA Charter visit://

DNA is a project that has been realised with the support of the City of Torino and the Torino Theatre System

and in collaboration with

Fondazione Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani onlus

EstateBambini/Teatro dei Piccoli di Ferrara

La Città del Teatro – Fondazione Sipario Toscana onlus di Cascina

Torino University – Three year degree course in DAMS

 Media partner

Eolo – Kids Theatre telematics magazine


Thanks to:

Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti di Torino

Assemblea Teatro/Responsabile zonale del Premio Scenario Infanzia

Assitej Italia

Associazione Torino Fringe


For further information:


tel + 39.011.19740288

fax + 39.011.19740273

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