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Warsaw,$1 October 3-14, 2015 

During the Festival several dozen events will take place:

  • shows presented by Polish and foreign theatres,
  • presentations of performances by children and young people,$1
  • happenings,
  • artistic installations,
  • workshops and creative games,
  • meetings with the theatre people,
  • inclusive artistic activities.

All the events, prepared with the participation of educators and creators are aimed at children and young people, while the subjects dealt with in the performances are carefully chosen in regard to the age of the spectators.

The KORCZAK Festival presents different theatrical genres, forms and techniques and introduces valuable new issues and trends in the contemporary theatre for children and young people. It builds up a space in which young spectators, in participation with their grown-up guides acquire knowledge about the art of theatre, develop the need of engaging in cultural events, and make an attempt to act creatively.

On its agenda, the Festival has theatrical events for very young children, toddlers and even babies, and their parents. And also for all those people who are interested in this latest tendency, rapidly gaining serious attention.

As regards foreign theatres which have been invited to the Festival there is no language barrier! The shows are selected in such a way, and their presentation and translation arranged so that language is not an obstacle.

The Polish Centre of ASSITEJ, the organizer of the Festival, is inviting you all to the Powszechny Theatre – the base of important Festival events.

logo_small_sizeLA BARACCA – TESTONI RAGAZZI,$1 BOLOGNA,$1 27th February – 6th March 2016

Next year it will be 30 years since La Baracca and the Municipality of Bologna began the project Teatro e Nido (Theatre and crèche),$1 that gave the starting impulse to the research the company has been developing on theatre for early years.

On this occasion, La Baracca, together with the Municipality of Bologna, wants to offer to a group of young artists (under 35) the opportunity to enter the educational facilities for children 0-3 and 3-6 years old. The artists will have the chance to “meet the children” presenting them a brief performance, telling a story, leading a small workshop, talking with and observing them. They will have the chance to visit one or two services during the festival.

Visioni is a theatre festival for early years and it is one of the Small size Festivals. Small size – the European Network for the Diffusion of Performing Arts for Early Years – has existed since 2005 with the support of the European Commission through the Culture Programme.

The Festival is the core of an international network which includes exchange among artists, educators, teachers, pedagogues and professionals working with the target group of early year children. During the festival it is possible to attend many different events, such as shows, training activities, meetings, lectures, conferences and seminars.

“Visioni di futuro, Visioni di teatro…” will take place at Testoni Ragazzi Theatre in Bologna (Italy) from February 27th to March 6th 2016.

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