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The professionals gathered in Nantes, for the 2015 festival Petits et Grands, in the first days of April, had the pleasure to meet and exchange with the international guests who attended the different events. Among them were, notably, Vigdis Jakobsdottir, vice-president of ASSITEJ, delegates from Québec, a strong delegation of future Belgian ASSITEJ’s representatives, and Dr Gerd Taube, Artistic director of Augenblick mal !. This year, Petits et Grands proposed the german production « Trashedy », from the  Performing Group, in the frame of a « Carte blanche », an artistic exchange with Augenblick mal !, in which the French production « Swift », from company Skappa is programmed in Berlin on 24th and 25th April.
Success for 1 day, 1 play #2
The instant playwriting game, proposed by ASSITEJ France with WLPG and the European network LaboO7, was a great success : about 45 plays, written between March 1st  and 15th, where published at the occasion of the World Day of Theatre. Professional playwrights and translators from 22 countries took part in this event, just for the fun of it. The imposed theme of this jubilee year for ASSITEJ was « Anniversary ».

A selection of 12 of these short plays was read by students of the theatre course of Nantes, for the public of the festival Petits et Grands .

All the texts are avaliable on

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