Agor Drysau - Opening Doors
Festival Dates
16/03/2019 > 23/03/2019
Aberystwyth, Wales, United Kingdom
Agor Drysau – Opening Doors is Wales International Festival of Performing Arts for Young Audiences, which is organised every two years by Arad Goch Theatre Company. The Festival provides children, young people and families in Wales with the opportunity to experience some of the best international performances, as well as providing Welsh performers with the opportunity to showcase the wealth of artistic talents we have here in Wales to an International audience. Aberystwyth, a seaside town in the heart of Ceredigion is the location for the Festival, and between March 16-23, 2019 this idyllic location will be full to the brim of artistic talents as performances take place on the street, on the prom, in Canolfan Arad Goch, the Arts Center and the National Library. As well as the performances, seminars, receptions and social evenings will be taking place in all corners of the town, to find out more go to the PROGRAMME. Several performances will tour to various other venues throughout Wales to ensure that children, young people and families all over the country get an opportunity to experience this International Festival. Visit the PROGRAMME to find out more. Theatre, dance, music, social evenings, seminars and the opportunity to network and share ideas. There’s something to suit people of all ages at Agor Drysau – Opening Doors 2019!

Cwmni Theatr Arad Goch