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ASSITEJ Artistic Gatherings & World Congresses

Every year, ASSITEJ International, in collaboration with an ASSITEJ National Centre, holds its flagship international event – either a World Congress or an Artistic Gathering.

The World Congress and Performing Arts Festival for Children & Young People is the premier meeting of ASSITEJ International members in each three-year term of its Executive Committee. It is the culmination of the working life of the Association for those three years, reflecting on the last three years of activity and creating a vision collectively with its members for the future.

The ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering (AAG) takes place in each of the years between the triennial ASSITEJ World Congresses.

Both event formats feature a performance programme that showcases the world’s most outstanding works in theatre and performing arts for children and young people. Alongside the presentation of these productions is a professional exchange programme. Professional exchange sessions include workshops, seminars, lectures, roundtables, meetings, networking sessions, film screenings, exhibitions, social events, and other formats related to theatre and performing arts for young audiences (sessions may be presented ‘On The Ground’, ‘Online’, or a ‘Hybrid’ of both and delegates can participate in-person or virtually via our ‘ASSITEJ Online’ platform).

These events are the international movement’s largest and most important gathering of artists, scholars, presenters, and buyers of theatre and performing arts for young audiences. They offer a unique moment for international professional exchange and networking in the field of theatre and performing arts for young audiences (TYA). Both the World Congresses and Artistic Gatherings are hosted in different parts of the world each time.

Reports From Our Recent Events

Our Next Artistic Gathering:

FAS – ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2023 (Serbia)

Spotlight on Southeastern Europe

In 2023 the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering will be hosted and organised by ASSITEJ Serbia in collaboration with ASSITEJ International.

After the global ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering held in May 2022 in Helsingborg, Sweden, and before the ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival for Children & Young People being hosted in May 2024 in Havana, Cuba, ASSITEJ Serbia and ASSITEJ International are excited to invite you to participate in the programme of the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2023 in Serbia. ASSITEJ Serbia’s 2023 festival, entitled “Turning Point“, is hosting the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2023, which will put the performing arts of Southeastern Europe into the spotlight of the global community of theatre and performing arts for young audiences. This is a region where, since the founding of ASSITEJ in 1965, a large ASSITEJ International event has never before been held. 

The ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering will be held in the cities of Belgrade and Novi Sad, with the main programme taking place on 20th – 24th November 2023. The Gathering will open on 20th November 2023 which is World Children’s Day.

Click To Read More About AAG 2023 in Serbia

With each new edition that has been staged over numerous years, ASSITEJ Serbia’s national festival – FAS – has paved the way for sharing ideas, strengthening togetherness, and community-building among artists and professionals in TYA, bringing us a step closer to realising our dream of gathering the ASSITEJ International community in the heart of our region. We are delighted that our wish was granted and it is the perfect time to celebrate both the 20th anniversary of ASSITEJ Serbia and the 10th anniversary of the last General Commentary of the UN Committee for Children’s Rights on the Rights to Culture (Articles 13 and 31).

Why “Turning Point”?

Considering the position in which the whole world finds itself now, and the status of theatre and performing arts for children and young people, we can be sure of one thing: we are in a liminal space – a transitional space that is a part of the change from one state to another. A space of ignorance, confusion, and uncertainty – where old truths have been abandoned, and new ideas have not yet emerged. This transitional space often begins with a sense of loss, crisis, fear, meaninglessness, and the awareness that there is no going back. In the process, we give up old meanings and enter the marginal space wherein new meanings have not yet been created.

Together, we are at a turning point where:

• New generations are taking over and becoming drivers of development;

• New technologies are being introduced to TYA as innovative ways to tell stories and engage audiences;

• New means of engaging with visual arts and design are being trialled in theatre and performing arts for children and young people in relation to space, light, sound, visual identity, puppets, and / or objects;

• It is ‘now or never’ in regards to the environmental, energy, and climate crisis, one of the defining issues of our time, as well as in regards to geo-political strife and the necessity to protect children’s rights, women’s rights, and human rights, throughout the world.

The aims of AAG 2023 in Serbia are to:

• Advocate for placing theatre and performing arts for children and young people higher on the agenda of decision-makers;

• To foster new synergies between education and culture;

• To put the artists and productions of Southeastern Europe in the spotlight, and;

• To challenge the neglect of children and young people’s right to arts and culture.

Timeline of World Congresses & Artistic Gatherings

  • Cape Town, South Africa

    Cradle Of Creativity

    19th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival
    for Children & Young People

    Theme: Intercultural Exchange
    17th – 27th May 2017
    Read Event Report Here

  • London, United Kingdom

    Formative Meeting of ASSITEJ International

  • Paris, France

    Formative Meeting of ASSITEJ International

    ASSITEJ International is Officially Founded

  • Prague, Czechoslovakia

    1st ASSITEJ International Congress

  • The Hague, The Netherlands

    2nd ASSITEJ International Congress

  • Venice, Italy

    3rd ASSITEJ International Congress

  • East Berlin, German Democratic Republic

    5th ASSITEJ International Congress

  • Montreal, Canada & Albany, USA

    4th ASSITEJ International Congress

  • Madrid, Spain

    6th ASSITEJ International Congress

  • Lyon, France

    7th ASSITEJ International Congress

  • Moscow, USSR

    8th ASSITEJ International Congress

  • Adelaide, Australia

    9th ASSITEJ International Congress

  • Stockholm, Sweden

    10th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival
    for Children & Young People

  • Havana, Cuba

    11th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival
    for Children & Young People

  • Rostov-on-Don, Russia

    12th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival
    for Children & Young People

  • Tromsø, Norway

    13th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival
    for Children & Young People

  • Seoul, South Korea

    14th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival
    for Children & Young People

  • Montreal, Canada

    15th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival
    for Children & Young People

  • Adelaide, Australia

    16th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival
    for Children & Young People

  • Havana, Cuba

    ASSITEJ Cuba

    21st ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival
    for Children & Young People

    24th May – 1st June 2024
    Read and Watch ASSITEJ Cuba’s Original Bid Here

  • Belgrade & Novi Sad, Serbia

    FAS Festival

    ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering

    Theme: Turning Point
    20th – 24th November 2023
    Read ASSITEJ Serbia’s Original Bid Here

  • Helsingborg, Sweden

    Bibu Festival

    ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering

    Theme: Leave No One Behind
    17th – 22nd May 2022
    Read Event Report Here

  • Tokyo, Japan and Online

    MIRAI Festival

    20th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival
    for Children & Young People

    Theme: Beginning The Journey
    22nd March – 1st April 2021
    due to COVID-19 from May 2020)
    Read Event Reports Here and Here

  • Kristiansand, Norway

    SAND Festival

    ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering

    Theme: Confronting The Present
    2nd – 7th September 2019
    Read Event Report Here

  • Beijing, China

    Imagining the Future

    ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering

    18th – 24th August 2018
    Read Event Report Here

  • Copenhagen, Denmark & Malmö, Sweden

    17th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival
    for Children & Young People

  • Birmingham, United Kingdom

    On The Edge

    ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering

    Theme: Interdisciplinary Exchange
    2nd – 9th July 2016
    Read Event Report Here

  • Berlin, Germany

    Augenblick Mal! The Festival of
    Theatre for Young Audiences

    ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering

    Theme: Intergenerational Exchange
    21st – 26th April 2015
    Read Event Report Here

  • Warsaw, Poland

    Korczac Festival

    18th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival
    for Children & Young People

    Theme: Facing the Audience
    23th – 31st May 2014

  • Linz, Austria

    SCHAXPIR International Theater
    Festival for a Young Audience

    ASSITEJ International Meeting
    (became known as ASSITEJ Artistic Gatherings)

    Theme: Facing the Artist
    20th – 30th June 2013

  • Okinawa, Japan

    Kijimuna Festival
    The International Theater Festival
    Okinawa for Young Audiences

    ASSITEJ International Meeting
    (became known as ASSITEJ Artistic Gatherings)

    Theme: Facing the Society – Theatre is Nuchi Gusui (Theatre as Medicine for Life)
    25th July – 5th August 2012

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