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What Is ASSITEJ International?

Founded in 1965, ASSITEJ International is a network of artists and organisations in over 75 countries dedicated to the belief that every child and young person deserves access to the arts, and especially to live performance, from the earliest possible age.

You can read more about our mission here.

Want To Learn About Our History?

  • Did you know that ASSITEJ International was founded by East and West during the Cold War?
  • Did you know that the first ASSITEJ World Congress included delegates from 29 countries?
  • Did you know that the first ASSITEJ World Congress to be held in Asia was hosted in Seoul, South Korea?

You may learn more about the development of ASSITEJ International and where to find our historical documents by clicking here.

How Are We Governed?

Our Executive Committee, along with our established constitutional documents, is what governs the Association. This structure is designed to allow for both transparent governance and legal compliance.

You may learn more about how we are governed by clicking here.

Want To Get In Contact?

We are an international team with offices around the world. If you would like to contact a staff member or visit one of our offices, you can find all the details you may need by clicking here.

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