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The 17th Gran Maratón Nacional de Teatro para Niñas, Niños y Jóvenes (Great Theater Marathon for Children and Youth) was celebrated throughout Mexico with two days of theatrical activities in commemoration of the World Theater Day for Children and Young People, this Saturday March 15th and Sunday March 16th.

The theater community, in collaboration with the country’s cultural institutions, joined together to celebrate World Theater Day for Children and Youth, an action promoted by the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (National Institute of Fine Arts) through the National Theater Coordination.

For 17 years, the Marathon has been a celebration that brings together girls, boys, all the children to enjoy theater in a very special configuration: theatrical presentations throughout the day in the 6 venues of one of the most important cultural centers in Mexico: the Centro Cultural del Bosque of the National Institute of Fine Arts. Since 4 years ago, this celebration has expanded to the entire national territory, so that, in unison, in all regions of the country these presentations are held to join this great celebration.

With this action, we propose to make visible and guarantee the exercise of children’s cultural rights, the transforming power of theater and the importance of cultivating curiosity, imagination, aesthetic awareness and the ability to embrace the diverse languages of the arts, as well as the need to recognize ourselves as a community – creators and children – in addition, to allowing us to confront and question the world and embrace the diversity of points of view.

This year, UNICEF has joined the celebration through its message “culture transforms lives”. Is very important to generate these links with allied institutions that strengthen the visibility of the exercise of cultural rights and make a call to adults to recognize themselves as facilitators of this.

May the theater be a place of transformation, play and construction of alternatives for peace, coexistence and encounter. ¡Hasta la ternura, siempre! (Always, to tenderness!)

The program can be consulted on the official pages of the National Theater Coordination of the National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature and on the social networks teatroinbal on Facebook, Instagram and X.

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