Take Part in Art: The International Festival of Theatre for Early Years
Festival Dates
13/09/2019 > 15/12/2019
Warsaw, Poland
The International Theatre Festival for Early Years “TAKE PART IN ART” organised by Teatr Małego Widza and co-financed by the City of Warsaw, is the first large event in Poland promoting the concept of “initiation theatre“ – a theatre for children from the first year of life.
The aim of the festival is not only to present the best performance practices, but also to initiate discussion about a small child as a spectator of art and a fully entitled participant of culture. It is an extremely important issue in a social and cultural dimension, yet so rarely raised in public. We truly believe that respecting the right of the youngest children to explore the world of art, and their participation in the artistic process, conducted in a responsible and appropriate way, has an enormous significance for the harmonious development of the child’s sensitivity, emotional intelligence and competence.
We invite theatres and artists from different countries with performances dedicated to children aged 1-6 years. We also prepare THE THEATRE LABORATORY – a programme dedicated to educationalists and teachers from Warsaw crèches and playschools, as well as FAMILY WORKSHOPS – a series of original workshops dedicated to children and their parents.

Teatr Małego Widza