DZIECINADA - International Festival of Children's Theatre
Festival Dates
03/10/2019 > 06/10/2019
Wrocław, Poland
This year Foundation for the Support of Alternative and Ecological Cultures in cooperation with Wroclaw Culture Zone is going to organize seven’th edition of the biggest holiday of All Children and Art for Children. Festival will have similar form to those of former years. It will happen in October, from 3th until 6th. It will consist of four days of stage and out-door performances as well as theatrical actions focused around social inclusion. The Festival is first and only event that enables presentations of international, high-quality theatres for young audiences in Lower Silesia. Each of former editions gathered audience of around 10thousands. It proofs that we’re fulfilling cultural gap and there is a huge need of art for Children in Wroclaw – the city where 90 thousands kids are living.
During four festival days, children and their families will have unique opportunity to discover magic world of theatre with its different dimensions and tastes: Dramatical, Puppet, Improvisation, Shadow, Dance and Music Theatres from many European countries will visit Wroclaw. Numerous additional projects will be launch: theatrical audio-plays (including community of blind kids), theatrical visits in hospitals with clowns from “Red Noses Int.” organization.
Why…? Because children are most profitable investment! By supporting their development and stimulating the imagination we contribute to creating more aware and educated society. It has been prooven that no-formal education throught art and play is very succesfull. Children are also the most inteligent and honest audience. The most requiring one. This is what stimulates us as creators of International Festival Of Childrens Theatres- to meet Childrens expectations and provide the highest quality, the best plays possible and their meaningful messages that are served light and magically.

Wiktoria Wiktorczyk