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The Young Dance Network (YDN) is an emerging network that aspires to create a space for long-term networking and development which in time would provide choreographers, dancers and dramaturges working across the field with a strong platform from which they can work, develop and energize the field of contemporary dance for young audiences.

It is intended that YDN will associate with ASSITEJ as a full member, thus benefitting from the international networking which already exists. As a network it may independently generate projects and activities, in its own right.

During the 19th World Congress in Cape Town, about 40 people took part in the first meeting of the network in order to shape it. In a very vivid atmosphere four working groups – 'dramaturgy', 'exchange', 'longtime working' and 'research' – worked out the central questions, ideas and suggestions.

The main result:

  • There is a strong need and wish to develop this field and to launch a network.
  • The participants would appreciate using ASSITEJ events and projects as platforms for exchange.

Everybody is invited to engage and to let the network grow in a 'grassroots-development'. A working group with 14 members will work on the formal structure of the network and a constitution of it.

For more information please contact:
Gabi dan Droste (Berlin / Germany)

You can also start the engagement with Young Dance Network at our Facebook group.

Read the full text of the emerging network here.


Photo from "Questo ricordo", production Krokusfestival/CCHA – photographer Phile Deprez

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