After years of collective thinking, research, consideration of copyright laws, and stretching WLPG’s website software as far as possible, Write Local Play Global has finally created an “International TYA Script Information Library”. This offers playwrights from all over the world the opportunity to submit the most important information (including contacts) on their scripts/texts – information which is open to directors, producers, educators, and other practitioners.
We currently have submission forms in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Arabic, which allows and encourages writers to submit in their home language. Other languages will be added later, and let us know if you are interested in adding your home language.
In addition to playwrights, we want this library to include what we call “non-playwright creator(s)” — artists who devise, choreograph dance-as-theater, work in collective creation, and such.
The submission page is at:
While the forms do not allow a photo to be attached, we encourage following up your submission by sending a photo in a separate email.
The library, with some beta-tested complete entries to start things rolling, is at:
The library is searchable by language, country, name of author, name of play/text, and the website is configured to be friendly to smartphones.
Questions or concerns? Email us at