Beginning in March 2024 and running until February 2027, CBTIJ/ASSITEJ Brasil has just elected its new board. Luciana Comin, from Salvador, is the new president. Cleiton Echeveste (Secretariat) and Leonardo Carnevale (Treasurer), both in Rio de Janeiro, continue their collaboration. The complete new board is: Aglaia Pusch (São Paulo), Airton de Oliveira (Porto Alegre), Aline Volpi (Jundiaí), Bruno Bacelar (Rio de Janeiro), Sandra Coelho (Itajaí), Tércio Silva (Manaus), Viviane Juguero (Porto Alegre), Paulo Merisio (Rio de Janeiro), Elis Ferreira (São João del-Rei), Ricardo Augusto (Uberlândia) and Eduardo Almeida (Rio de Janeiro).
For the first time, the president is based in the Northeast of Brazil. Luciana Comin is an actress, playwright and teacher, founding member of Grupo Teca Teatro. The new board has much broader regional and gender representations.