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Theatre & Performing Arts for Children & Young People (TYA)
Global, Advocacy-Focused Research
A Pilot

The Research Selection Committee has decided to republish the Stream 5 call as the committee feels that the applications received in the previous call did not sufficiently cover our ambitions for this research project – and that our aims and intentions should therefore be set out more clearly. We hope that by doing this we will make our expectations clearer whilst remaining fair to all applicants.

Those that have already applied for this stream, as well as any new applicants, are welcome to submit an application if they feel this stream is of interest, given the new information provided.


As part of the ‘Building Collective Resilience’ project (which is co-funded by the European Union), ASSITEJ International is seeking a lead researcher to help us collect and disseminate data, information, practices, ideas, and solutions around the Value of TYA.

The research is to be advocacy-focused and useful to ASSITEJ members, National Centres, International Networks, TYA practitioners, and the wider TYA community, being published on an open access basis. It is intended to be of reference use for their day-to-day working lives to, for example, boost advocacy initiatives and funding applications, offer opportunities for learning, and to foster networking and collaboration.

This research project is a pilot and ASSITEJ International hopes that the learnings from this first-round will enable the association to secure future funding towards further research.

This pilot research package is to be completed between now and 31st December 2024.

Research Description

Collating and curating a range of existing evidence through which claims to the value of the performing arts for children might be supported. 

Researchers with a strong knowledge of the TYA research landscape, and with a methodological interest in systematic reviews, evidence mapping, evidence-gap mapping, and/or resource mapping would be well placed for this role. The primary focus is on knowledge synthesis – collecting, curating, and signposting to pre-existing published literature, as well as grey (unpublished) literature, that qualifies and quantifies claims on the value of the performing arts for children.

The research may include desk-based analysis as well as community consultation (in-person and online) with ASSITEJ members and other artists in the field on the evidence that they hold and the evidence that they can point towards. This may be completed in consultation with our relevant National Centres and at FAS – ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2023 (Serbia) in November. Systematic mapping of existing sources and/or systematic literature reviews may be supported by additional data collection and analysis if deemed necessary.

The outputs may include written reports but may also take the form of other modes of online presentation that offer signposting for the ASSITEJ community (both academics and non-academics) to easily locate relevant research on the Value of TYA (a separate budget exists to implement online presentation that can be utilised, if necessary).

The systematic reviews, evidence mapping, evidence-gap mapping, and/or resource mapping should build upon the work of Tom Maguire’s “Value Frameworks” in the following (as yet unpublished) Interim Report entitled, “Identifying Theoretical Frameworks for Research”. The report may be accessed at the following link:

Please note that whilst this interim report contains “deliberate restriction of scope to literature centred on professional performances for children”, the successful applicant would be asked to conduct the Stream 5 project taking into consideration the full diversity of the Theatre & Performing Arts for Children & Young People (TYA) field, that includes, but is not limited to: 

  • applied theatre and performing arts for children and young people; 
  • theatre and performing arts education for children and young people; 
  • theatre and performing arts in education for children and young people; 
  • theatre and performing arts performed for, by, and with children and young people; 
  • youth theatre and performing arts programmes.


This open call seeks to appoint a lead-researcher to lead Stream 5 of the research package. We are seeking help from:

  • Individual / independent researchers;
  • Named individuals at research institutions (including universities, research bodies, and research agencies);
  • Named individuals within the relevant practitioner field (including artists, management, and other creative professionals).

Joint applications between a Principal and Co-Investigator are also welcome.

The research will be globally focused and researchers from anywhere in the world are eligible to apply. We particularly value applications from researchers who want to engage cross-nationally with ASSITEJ members across a diversity of the 75 countries where we are represented.

The Open Call document contains information about the resources (both financial and non-financial) that ASSITEJ International is able to provide to the appointed researcher. Please note that financial resources are to be used solely for remuneration for professional activities fees and for expenses relating to dissemination activities. Indirect costs are NOT eligible.


Open Call Published:15th March 2023
Deadline for Applications:20:00 GMT 3rd April 2023
(click here to see this in your time zone)
Interviews for Shortlisted Candidates:5th & 6th April 2023
Appointment of Successful Candidates:7th April 2023
(with an immediate start date)
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