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The show The Information Can Not be Delivered from China National Theatre for Children won Wenhua National Award (Best Director) in 2022, which is the first time that theatre for children and young audiences win this governmental award for culture and arts. The director of the show is Ernan Mao, who directed Three Monks, Yeh-Shen etc. many productions for children and young audience. His productions were invited to perform in more than 20 countries and performed in an ASSITEJ World Congress twice (SA 2017, JP 2021).

China National Theatre for Children held its 1st Blooming & Sailing Incubation Programme of Theatre and Performing Arts for Young Audiences. 120 directors or scriptwriters from all over China proposed 88 ideas with different subjects and styles, 12 of them were selected. With the funding of CNTC, the 12 pieces of productions with 15 minutes duration were expanded into 45 minutes. On November of 2022, the 12 productions performed in CNTC, with 13 million online views. In the future the 12 productions will tour in China. In 2022, 31 productions from ASSITEJ China and 12 productions from Blooming & Sailing Incubation Programme had 231 public performances all over China benefitting more than 70 thousand audiences.

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