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This meeting aims to give us the opportunity to hear success stories that were the actual results of networking experiences, whether on a personal or institutional level.

Over the past years, the process of networking, cooperation, cultural exchange, exchange of experiences and skills, has been an essential part of the success and growth of many cultural and artistic businesses and initiatives. This has also led to the reactivation of models for sustainable initiatives in a wider geographical area – a real success story for MedeArts Network, which operates in a city called Irbid – in the north of the Kingdom of Jordan. We will get to know their story more by hosting the cultural and artistic director of the network in Jordan, Safi Adnan.

The aim of the session is to hear your stories as well and learn about your experiences with networking in general, whether on a personal level or on the level of your initiative or organization.

We will also go through a quick networking experiment together under the title “Tandem”. Through this experience, we will try to build a new network between two or more institutions that may, between them, develop a new success story, a new exchange, or a common goal or passion.

We will launch this session as a pilot part of the international ASSITEJ International  series of meetings, and as a group, we will collectively extend a helping hand for the success of any new cooperation among the members participating in this session.

This session will be broadcasted on the ASSITEJ International platform, to be an inspiring experience for other networking lovers in this world.

The session will not exceed two hours and we will share the agenda with all those who wish to join.

This session will take place on Wednesday, 25th of January, at 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm, Jordan time. Check time in your time zone.

There will be simultaneous translation into Arabic.

For participation purposes, send the following to this email address:  SAFI@MEDEARTS.ORG

1- A personal photo

2- A brief description about yourself

3- A picture that you believe represents your organization/initiative/project,

4- A description for no more than three lines about your organization/initiative/project.

5- We also love to communicate through WhatsApp or the Signal, so if it is possible to share a mobile number to communicate through one of these applications, we will be grateful for your participation.

Suggested agenda:

10 minutes of introduction

30 minutes get to know, through sharing interesting stories of networking

5 minutes break

5 minutes explaining the idea of ​​Tandem

15 minutes of Tandem exercises

15 minutes to view the results of the Tandem exercise

10 minutes close the session and what’s next


It is a space to share about our institutions and our work around the world to open ways to create partnerships crossing borders.

*This method was taken from MedeArts’ partner (Tandem Shaml)

How the Tandem way works

1-   Share about yourself and what is your organization’s work with the group.

2 – Choose a successful networking story from your group.

3 – Determine your interests with other institutions that could be a potential partner.

4 – Choose an institution or festival that you think you can form a partnership with.

5 – Announcing the potential partnership with the participants.

*(Miro board will be used during the definition and partner selection process)

Register here

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Please note that these are AI translations that have not yet been manually checked.