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Social responsibility through culture, as well as the protection of children’s rights have always been among the top priorities of ASSITEJ Cyprus. Following its big success last year, our national centre’s campaign “Every child to the theatre” returns this year. Last Christmas, 134 children from vulnerable families benefited from the campaign, for which ASSITEJ Cyprus joins forces with the Cyprus Red Cross and Alpha Mega Hypermarkets, the biggest supermarket chain in the country.

This Christmas, the campaign returns with the dual aim to give the chance to children from vulnerable families to visit the theatre and at the same to support ASSITEJ Cyprus members. Through a sponsorship by Alpha Mega Hypermarkets, ASSITEJ Cyprus will buy tickets from the productions of its members (companies or individual artists) which will be running during the Christmas period. These tickets will be then distributed to children from vulnerable families with the help of the Cyprus Red Cross.

Through the campaign, ASSITEJ Cyprus actively advocates for the right of the child to participate in the country’s cultural life, as highlighted in the UN Convention for the Child’s Rights. With “Every child to the theatre” as its slogan, an open discussion was organized by ASSITEJ Cyprus on November 24, on the occasion of the Children’s Rights World Day. The event took place under the auspices of the Cyprus Commissioner for the Protection of Children’s Rights.

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