🌍 Mantua, ITA
🗓 23 Oct- 1 Nov 2021
Thanking you for being with us at SEGNI Summer in Mantua, the new summer experience between the Island of Giglio and Mantua,
we invite you to SEGNI Autumn in Mantua, from October 23 to November 1.
In the meantime, even if it is in Italian, you can visit segninonda.org to discover the digital contents produced during SEGNI Summer in Mantua, such as Le Avventure di Cosetta al Giglio: watch an episode.
To be always updated visit segnidinfanzia.org or the Facebook page.
More info: segnidinfanzia@gmail.com
Created in 2006 SEGNI New Generations Festival is an exclusive appointment in Italy, an international art event addressed to children and young people from 18 months to 18 years old. The event is dedicated to schools, families, and those who love theatre, the search and the languages of art. It involves an audience at a transgenerational and international level as it is addressed to a foreign audience as well. Artists coming from all over the world who perform in shows, laboratories, art tours, and multidisciplinary performances in which music, painting, theatre, sculpture and dance are combined in a flowing contamination between arts and non verbal languages accessible to spectators of any nationality and age. Over 300 events in 9 days in the best locations of Mantua city centre. Palazzo Ducale, Bibiena theatre, Palazzo Te. SEGNI takes place in Mantua every year between the last week of October and the first one of November, it has registered and incredible and ever growing success as a result of the necessity of a strong artistic supply for the new generations and as a guarantee of the project’s quality that has obtained the participation of the President of the Republic in the form of a Representation Prize.
Open partnership TEEN Project: a new adventure
The planning phase of the new TEEN Adventure has begun!
The partnership is almost complete, but new collaborations are always welcome.

If this is the first time you have received this communication, or if in the last few months you have decided to start working with teenagers to create new cultural, theatrical and digital spaces that welcome and engage them, write to: segnidinfanzia@gmail.com
Project website: https://teentheatrenetwork.eu/en/