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All upcoming festivals have found digital or hybrid forms that invite international participation. Don’t forget to check them out and contact ASSITEJ Germany or the respective festival organizers if you have any questions regarding access, languages, translation or meeting colleagues from Germany.

Schöne Aussicht International TYA Festival 6-13 June 2021 Schöne Aussicht 2021: JES Stuttgart (

Theater der Welt / Theater of the World with a focus on TYA 17 June – 4 July 2021 Home | Theater der Welt

Hellwach International TYA Festival 9- 13 June 2021 hellwach | HELIOS Theater (

Turbo Inclusive Performing Arts for Young Audiences 3 – 6 June 2021 TURBO – Theater der Jungen Welt (

Starke Stücke Festival 2 – 14 July 20221 Starke Stücke (

Rampenlichter Festival for and by Children and Young People 9 – 22 July 2021 Tanz- und Theaterfestival Rampenlichter Home – Tanz- und Theaterfestival RampenlichterWestwind Festival 19 – 25 August 2021Westwind Festival (

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Please note that these are AI translations that have not yet been manually checked.