Photo exhibition
The International theatre competition is being held for the third time and we are pleased that it was supported by such an organization as Assitej. This year, the United States planned the opening of the International Photo Exhibition “Theater Exposed-2020”. But life made its painful adjustments, and the exhibition opened online on the project’s Facebook page –
This year, the International Expert Jury updated its membership. It includes famous and honored photo artists Yuri Mechitov (Georgia), Helena Vilt (Estonia), Elena Martynyuk (Russia-Ukraine), Sergey Zhdanovich (Belarus), Izya Shlosberg (USA), Angelo Consentino (Italy), Ariel Cecilio Lemus (Cuba), Jovan Vidakovich (Bosnia and Herzegovina) & Reza Mozafari Manesh (Iran, Tehran).
All of them had to work hard, since 240 people from 15 countries of the world (Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Israel, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iran, Russia, Nigeria, Malawi, Croatia, Serbia, Moldova, Great Britain, Poland, Kazakhstan). Moreover, 96 percent took part in this contest for the first time!
The Contest organizers did not set any restrictions – everyone who loves the theater could send their photos! According to the terms of the Competition, participants (both professionals and amateurs) could send five photos in five categories: art, portrait, movement in art, retro, open category (“I and the theater”, experimental photo). In addition to these categories, the jury annually reserves the right to mark participants with special prizes.
This year, 96 participants became winners of the “Theater Exposed-2020” contest, and the selection of the best was the most difficult and crucial moment for all Experts! The first place went to photographers who were named by seven out of eight experts (although there were participants who were named by all experts – something that had never happened before!). The second places were taken by those participants who were noted by 5-6 experts from eight. Those who took the third place were marked by at least four experts.
There were a lot of interesting, high-quality, professional works.
We thank everyone who took part in the photo contest and announce that the beginning of the next competition will be on August 15, 2020!