6th CBTIJ TYA Award (6º Prêmio CBTIJ de Teatro para Crianças)
As a way to honor and value the performing arts workers who are committed to childhood and youth, CBTIJ/ASSITEJ Brasil announced on May 1st (Labor Day in Brazil), the winners of the 6th CBTIJ TYA Award, for the 2019 season in Rio de Janeiro.
The Judging Committee was formed by Rogério Freitas, Susanna Kruger, Marcia Frederico, Miguel Vellinho and Demetrio Nicolau, President of the Committee until the list of nominees was drawn up. The meetings to define the nominees and the winners were supervised by Cleiton Echeveste, chair of the Board of Directors.

The shows with the highest number of prizes were “Vamos Comprar um Poeta” (“Let’s buy a poet”) with 6 awards: best show, adapted dramaturgy, direction, ensemble, set and light designs; and “Ombela – a Origem das Chuvas” (“Ombela – the origin of the rains”), with 8 awards: costume design, original and adapted music, make up design, scene photography, choreography, production and technical direction.
Starting this year, in its seventh edition, the award will go through changes, also including the performing arts aimed at early childhood and young people.
Petiz em Casa (Petiz at Home) – a collaborative art experience for children in times of pandemic
In times of social distancing, with the presence of the children at home, arts play an important role not only in the aesthetic dimension, as an object of enjoyment, but also for its emotional and affective elements.
Petiz em Casa (May 15 to 25, 2020) emerged in this context, as a virtual space for the public to meet with artistic works focused on childhood. Totally online and free, it was built through the collaboration of groups and artists participating in the face-to-face editions of Petiz – Art Festival for Children and Youth (BAHIA / BRAZIL).
This edition included the following groups: Eranos Círculo de Arte (SC), Nucleus Circo Único & Condão de Rainha (BA), Coletivo Trippé (BA), Circo da Silva (SP), Áttomos Cia de Dança (BA), Cia Lumiato Teatro de Formas Animadas (DF), guaranteeing a diversified program of shows, of theater, dance, music and circus for children from 02 to 10 years old.
On the www.festivalpetiz.com.br platform, links were made available for shows and cultural mediation activities, which aimed to contribute to a contextualized enjoyment, in a perspective of linguistic accessibility of the arts.
The festival was also composed of “Lives”; virtual meetings with artists and educators, speaking to the target audience of educators, artists and parents, as well as an edition of Dançar em Família (Family Dancing), conducted by Rossana Alves (BRAZIL / USA). The house became a space not only for enjoyment, but for education, where adults are called upon to use appropriate artistic languages to accompany children in this experience.

Photographer: Diego Bresani
We believe in the power of collaborative artistic practices. For this reason, Petiz seeks new ways of innovation and democratization of access to culture. We hope that these moments of poetry and joy may have alleviated these difficult times, especially for children. Wishing that ARTS may be a constant presence in their homes!
By Poliana Bicalho and Renata Berenstein (Petiz creators)
festivalpetiz@gmail.com / @festivalpetiz
Roda de Conversa – Coffee Session Brasil
Inspired by the recent regional meetings promoted by ASSITEJ International and Red Iberoamericana de Artes Escénicas para la Infancia y la Juventud, CBTIJ / ASSITEJ Brasil is inviting TYA professionals (from every area: creation, education, research, management) for a national Coffee Session, which in Portuguese is being renamed “Roda de Conversa”. The meeting will take place on Monday, June 22, 2020, from 2pm to 4pm (Brasília time), via Zoom. Participants will have to register in advance. For more information check our social networks (Facebook and Instagram). The meeting is part of the activities scheduled to celebrate CBTIJ/ASSITEJ Brasil 25th anniversary.
(Image: CBTIJ 25 Years’ logo)
14th Paideia International TYA Festival: a Window to Utopia
One of the few festivals in São Paulo and in the country with a specific focus on young audiences, the Paideia International TYA Festival: a Window to Utopia aims to provide the meeting and exchange between groups and the population of São Paulo. This is an opportunity, especially for young people, to get to know the artistic production and culture of other countries at low prices or offering free tickets.
In 2020, the 14th edition of the Festival had its schedule changed, due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus, and will take place between the 4th to the 13th of December, in a partnership with the Municipal Secretariat of Culture of São Paulo. Paideia also continues in talks with Sesc/SP, another regular partner of the Festival and the Cultural Association.