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Dear TYA friends,

As most of us are currently staying home and have more time than usual, why don’t we meet up online to discuss about nothing?

There is no agenda, no aim, no notetaker.

Come in to say hi, introduce yourself, tell us what you are up to, play some music, share your ideas, show off your cat, teach a game…but more importantly, let’s just have a good time together.

The following zoom link will be active for 15 hours:


Please do feel free to come in and out anytime you feel like, and also to invite your friends over 🙂

:: Tokyo ::
Thu 9th 7pm – Fri 10th 10am

:: Singapore / Perth ::
Thu 9th 6pm – Fri 10th 9am

:: Paris / Cape Town::
Thu 9th 12pm – Fri 10th 3am

:: Santiago, Chile / New York ::
Thu 9th 6am – 9pm

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Caleb Lee and Nao Miyauchi, Japan & Singapore. 

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Special thanks to ON-PAM ( for the free zoom link

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