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⏰ Deadline: 31 October 2019
🌍 Bologna, ITA
🗓 28 February – 8 March 2020

Artists meet Early years offers to the artists the chance to meet early years right in the places where children belong to an educational community, crèches and kindergartens, in order to observe them, to become more familiar with them, collecting suggestions and images that can be useful to the development of a personal artistic research on the youngest ones.

Thanks to Artists meet Early years, 10 young artists (under 35 years old) will have the opportunity to visit some educational services belonging to IES (institution for schools and education of the Municipality of Bologna) dedicated to children 0-3 or 3-6 years old for two days in a row.
In 2020, Visioni di futuro, visioni di teatro…“, the International Theater and Culture Festival for Early Childhood will start a new collaboration with two other municipalities close to Bologna. For this reason, two of the selected artists will have the opportunity to live the experience in the services of the municipalities of San Lazzaro di Savena and Casalecchio di Reno.

How to apply

Fill out the application form available in the right column of the page below before October 31st 2019:

Read the call


Artist meet early years is within “Visioni di futuro, visioni di teatro…“, the International Theater and Culture Festival for Early Childhood produced by La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi.
The 2020 edition will take place in Bologna from 28th February to 8th March.

The festival is part of “Mapping – a Map on the aesthetics of performing arts for early years“, a European project financed by Creative Europe, the European Commission framework programme that supports culture.

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