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This is an open call to participate as observers in the 5th. International TYA Critics and Researchers Forum that will take place in Buenos Aires City, Argentina from 17 th. to 21 st . September, 2018.

The Forum celebrates its 10 th . Aniversary and this edition will discuss about “Writing for the new generations. Where is TYA going?”

The program includes conferences, paper presentations, plenary sessions, meetings,
forums, round tables, workshops and debates. Researchers, critics, students and artists from Argnetina, Ecuador, USA, República Dominicana, Mexico, Cameroon, Germany and Brazilwillreadtheirpapers. Special Guests will presen tconferences and will participate in Debate panels:

Lola Lara (España- Directora del Festival Teatralia- Ex presidente de ASSITEJ España); Manon van de Water (USA- Universidad de Wiscossin); Suzanne Lebeau (Canadá-Dramaturga); René Fernández Santana (Cuba- dramaturgo); Enrique Olmos de Ita (México- dramaturgo); Kim Peter Kovac (USA Director Family Program del Kennedy Center); Deirdre Lavrakas (USA Organizadora de la Red de Dramaturgos WLPG)- Paulo Merisio (Brasil- Universidad de Río de Janeiro) María Inés Falconi (Dramaturga- Argentina), Cristina Godfridson (Suecia- dramaturga); Aifeif Ismail
(Australia- dramaturgo); Kenjiro Otani (Japón- Director); Nicolás Morcillo (Miembro de ASSITEJ España).

The Forum Language will be English – Spanish. Forums will be translated into both languages.

The 5 th . Forum will present in parallel a theatre program, play readings and publishing presentations, which is optional for the participants.

The attendance to the Forum is free, except the optional program in the afternoons.
The applications to attend the Forum as observers will be received up to
18 th .September 2018.

Please fill in this form.

TE +54 11 47013101.


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