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TYA in Germany: Facts and Figures

ASSITEJ Germany invited over 1.000 theatres, companies and venues to take part in an empirical study. The results were presented on 21 October 2017 by Wolfgang Schneider and Thomas Renz, who conducted the research.

The results have been published online (in German) and ASSITEJ Germany welcomes questions and feedback also from an international readership.

Read the brochure here:


29th Frankfurt Playwrights’ Forum

  • 2 – 4 November 2017

The Playwrights’ Forum has a long tradition and it always reacts to recent developments in the arts and in society. This year’s Forum asks where and how TYA can act politically, question itself and create new dialogues with its diverse audiences. The programme (in German) presents dramatists, dramaturgs and performers. Results of this year’s Next Generation Workspace are also presented and discussed in order to link theoretical discourse and practical experiments.


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