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Dear fellow playwrights and storytellers from all over the world,

We are delighted to announce the launching of the 4th edition of A day for a play, the TYA instant playwriting game, in conjunction with the ASSITEJ international theatre day (March 20th) and the ASSITEJ Congress in Cape Town (May 2017).

It’s a worldwide writing game designed for easy play and enjoyment. The registration is free and open to anyone who wishes to write a short script for young audiences. And there is nothing to gain but the pleasure to share an « instant playwriting » moment with fellow storytellers and other practitioners from all around the world.

As in the past editions, it will only take 24 hours (or less) of your time during the first two weeks of March 2017 (and, at the time you register, you get to choose a day between 1st and 15th). The process will be as simple and personal as it is playful. Echoing the Cape Town Congress, our topic will be, “Where do I come from?”.
On the morning of your participation in March, you’ll receive some easy and fun rules; you will write your short script in your usual language. As far as possible, please just add a short summary in English or French, along with your translated title. On March the 20th, all of the scripts will be published on the WLPG website.

For the newcomers, or those whose memory needs refreshing, everything from the past editions is readable here :

If you’d like to participate this year, please register as soon as possible at :
Then you’ll receive all the details about the process.
And do not hesitate to forward this announcement to any fellow playwright of yours !

Please note that from now on, Scènes d’Enfances-ASSITEJ France is passing on the organization of the game to Write Local, Play Global.

Looking forward to your answer, which we hope will be positive,
friendly yours,

Write Local, Play Global, with the technical support of Scènes d’Enfance – ASSITEJ France

You may now browse the website in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, or Russian by using the button on the top-right of the page.

Please note that these are AI translations that have not yet been manually checked.