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ASSITEJ Norway proudly welcomes you to the 11th edition of SAND which will take place in Kristiansand on October 6th to 10th 2015.

The festival aims to present Norwegian and international performances of extraordinary quality.

The SAND festival seeks to

– be artistically challenging, presenting cutting-edge innovative and contemporary theatre and dance;

– explore different ways of facing young audiences;

– facilitate international encounters and exchange;

– bring together practitioners and researchers with a common interest in the young audiences.

International meeting point

In addition to children and young people locally, the festival attracts a large professional audience form both Norway and abroad. It is thus an important arena not only to reach a broad audience, but to engage in professional dialogue, make connections and be exposed to potential buyers and collaborators. We are particularly pleased to announce that the ASSITEJ Executive Committee will hold its semi-annual meeting at the festival!

Plan your trip!

International delegates are particularly welcome! By registering as an international delegate, you will receive a discount on all tickets, have free access to the professional programme and be invited to formal and informal gatherings.

Tickets are being released shortly – in the meantime, plan your trip to Kristiansand by logging into the festival website and get an overview of the timetable and hotel deals.

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